Journal 9: Site-Specific Stream of Consciousness

I’m currently sitting on a beanbag at the YHA Bungalow place in Magnetic Island. It is so nice and peaceful here. It’s a nice afternoon after classes. The wind feels so nice to the hot and humid weather of magnetic island. I see a group of tech people playing beachball in the pool. The ball is being tossed back and forth between the net, and the water is splashing with every movement that people make. Some people are laughing and some people are just talking. Sometimes arguing about who’s fault it was to miss the ball or who gets the credit for the point that has just been won. Chris is yelling “13!” I think he’s happy with the point that he just won.

Sitting next to me are two guys from a different country speaking in foreign language that I cannot pinpoint. I think it is some kind of European language but I cannot tell which country the origin is. I wonder where they’re from. I like hearing different languages – I think it is fascinating. The music that is currently playing is very nice. I think it’s country music; it sounds very peaceful. I especially like the calming guitar noise that is being played in the song. It is so soothing and pretty.

The beanbag is so relaxing. It’s nice to be outside and laying around while doing work. I really like this place and wish that I could’ve been here earlier to have more time here. There are so many different sounds near me – some are whispering, some are shouting, some are laughing. Some are like me and are doing work for classes whether by using their computers or by reading. Some are just chilling in the bar area and chatting to their friends and chilling.

The environment this place is in is amazing. It is surrounded by trees everywhere, even in the building areas. The trees are very tall and has white roots. I wonder if these trees are the ones that koalas live in and eat from. I hope to see a koala tomorrow and hold it – I plan on dong the tour that is given at the bungalow place right here. I think it’ll be fascinating and am super excited for it. This environment reminds me of New Zealand which I miss. Although Sydney has been amazing, I think I’m definitely more of nature person than a city person. I really appreciated the greenness and nature/environment of New Zealand. The people I met in and out of the program and just the experiences I went through has been unforgettable. It makes me be so thankful that I have been blessed to be part of such an amazing program, as I would not have been able to experience everything and meet new friends. It is crazy to think that I was able to connect to someone emotionally so quickly on this program that I probably would not have even known if I wasn’t on this program like Riddhi and Caroline. I was also able to meet other people like Brian and Maya L. and become close friends with them. And I’m also glad that I got to know Duco and Matt F. better through this program since I already knew them coming into the program. It makes me so happy to hear “it’s SO good to see your face again” or “I’m so glad you’re back I missed your smile” from these people. It makes me appreciate how intimate and close relationships can form anywhere and everywhere if I open myself up to the opportunity – and I’m so glad that I was able to do this when I first started the pacific program. I can’t wait to see what other things that Pacific Program will bring to me for the next 4 weeks and also see how it impacted my life. 🙂

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